Our 5 Favorite Fall Plants for Your Garden
Fall is just around the corner, and that means it’s time to rotate the inhabitants of your garden. Fall plants offer just as much charm as their spring and summer counterparts. But what can you nurture in your garden that screams fall’s warmth but is still colorful? Here’s a list of the top 10 best fall plants for your garden!
Autumn sedums bring life to any fall garden with their fresh foliage of star-shaped flowers that either sit in a cluster or spray out to showcase their ever-changing colors throughout the season.
If you want to bring a little wildflower essence to your fall garden, asters would be a great choice to make. These small daisy-like flowers can be planted at any time of the year and add subtle charm with their blue or purple petals. If planted in the fall, asters can also be a final source of nectar for pollinators, which are greatly attracted to the plant’s scent. Easy to grow and known for their durability, these fall plants come in a variety of sizes with unique blossoms that begin as pink, develop to bronze rose, and ultimately flourish in deep red.
As the meaning of its name implies, the “golden flower” chrysanthemums originally came only as gold, but now they’re found in a variety of colors, from the most vibrant reds to the softest lavenders. Chrysanthemums are amazing fall plants for any garden because of their balance of youth and maturity and limitless possibilities of design.
Heleniums are simple plants to grow and are a top choice for any garden, whether it’s in the planning stages or already in blossom. These lovely flowers range from gold, red, and brown and come in a wide range of styles and sizes. Because of these unique traits, Heleniums are more than capable of being the solo plant species in a garden, as it provides a world of interest all on its own, with not one bed identical to another.
Shrub roses are hardy fall plants with long-lasting times of bloom and have a natural resistance to disease! Able to be planted from spring to fall, these plants are easy to care for. They also require little hassle or later nurturing. Their color ranges from humble white to eye-catching purple. This makes the garden arrangement a breeze when pairing with your other plants.
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